Ean kód | 0097855147103 |
Leírás és Paraméterek
With more than 8x the reach of ordinary USB 3.x cables, Logitech Strong USB lets you separate self-powered USB 2.0 and 3.x peripherals and a host PC by up to 25 meters. The aramid-reinforced active optical cable is plenum-rated and Eca certified for safe operation and reliable performance up to 10 Gbps. By eliminating the need for USB extenders, Logitech Strong USB eliminates points of failure while reducing cost and complexity. Unlike typical USB cables that can break during or after installation, Logitech Strong USB is plenum-rated and Eca certified to pull through walls, above ceilings, and within standard ¾" conduit.
Ean kód | 0097855147103 |
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